Thursday, June 12, 2008

Boss of Boston

I got cast in an original play called Boss of Boston written by a friend of mine, Tyler Lewis! It is being performed with Aside Productions during their first season! I am so excited to be a part of it! 

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I'm Back to Blogging

I have not posted in a very long time but am for sure going to get back to it now. I have been really busy lately. I'm currently in Les Miserables with Houston Family Arts Center and will be playing Enjolras. I am so excited about this show! I think it will be amazing. It is being performed July 11-13, 18-20 at the Berry Center in Cypress. I will post updates about the progress of the show. 

Very Interesting Video - Part 1

Very Interesting Video - Part 2

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Nut House Goes on Tour

Today starts the Nut House March National Tour. We leave for Seattle today, fly back to Houston on the 18th, then go to NYC on the 23rd and fly back to Houston on the 27th. And who knows, maybe there will be another engagement in there if we have to make an emergency landing if someone decides to have a heart attack on the plane. (We emergency landed in El Paso last year on our way to L.A. after someone had a small heart was like a tv show! Very exciting!)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Oliver! Review

The review for Oliver! has come out!! Hopefully this will really boost our ticket sales!!!!

Class Act Triumphs with Production of ''OLIVER !''


“The People’s Critic”

(Conroe COURIER 03.07.07)

I spent many years being a bit jealous of my younger sister Sara because she had seen the original production of “Oliver” on Broadway. But I am making up for lost time. While attending Ontario’s 2006 Stratford Shakespeare Festival with fellow members of The American Theatre Critics Association, I had the wonderful opportunity to see the festival’s production of “Oliver,” starring renowned Canadian actor, Colm Feore, in the juicy role of Fagin. Now, here in Texas, I have had the pleasure of seeing the marvelous Class Act Productions edition of this entertaining Lionel Bart musical, based on the classic Dickens novel, ''Oliver Twist'', and skillfully directed by Class Act founder, Keith Brumfield. What a wonderful way to escape the snowstorms that confronted me in New York!
The pre-show excitement of this opening weekend was evident in the busy lobby areas of the Nancy Bock Center for the Performing Arts. The assorted fundraiser options of this powerhouse organization for young thespians included snack bars, raffles and cast photos, all of which help to finance the first-class production values fans have come to expect. I hope the Bock’s “powers that be” will consider this company’s incredible contributions to the Montgomery County community and keep the theater’s rental fees appropriately moderate for Class Act. Anyone who witnessed the show’s joyful opener, “Food Glorious Food,” knew immediately that as this beaming young cast sang its way through the audience to the stage they were on a very special journey of their own. Such musical cast trips through the audience would be a hallmark of the evening as the device was cleverly used to distract the audience while needed set changes occurred behind the curtain.
The familiar plot, of course, revolves around the misadventures of the young orphan, Oliver, (wistfully played here to sweet vocal perfection by youthful charmer, Harrison Baker, who, in numbers like his signature song, “Where is Love?”, sounded like he had been plucked right out of the Vienna Boys Choir ). Along the way we meet the cruel directors of the orphanage, Mr. Bumble and the Widow Corney, featuring the vocally and comically talented duo of John Watkins and Alyssa Porter. They steal the show in numbers like “I Shall Scream.” Mr. Watkins delivers a stunning rendition of “Boy for Sale,” the conclusion of which should have been timed a bit better to allow for the applause he certainly deserved. There is more comic fun from Josiah Miller and Cecily Breaux as Mr. & Mrs. Sowberry, the funeral home directors who take Oliver on as apprentice. The Sowberrys delight the audience with “That’s Your Funeral,” and Miss Breaux had a particular talent for projecting amusing facial expressions. Then we have the conniving antics of the Artful Dodger (Aaron Boudreaux, as he leads the joyful “Consider Yourself“), and his little band of pickpockets and thieves, headed by the avaricious Fagin, with a homerun performance from Keith Hale. Like many of these young performers attempting British accents, Hale had a tendency to rush his lines, making some dialogue difficult to hear. (Unlike our star, Mr. Baker, whose clear-voiced articulation was evident, whether in song or spoken dialogue.) With an amusing contrast between his youthful face and his long brown beard, Mr. Hale made up for rushed dialogue with fine singing (and an almost spooky grace of movement). He leads the ruffians in corrupting young Oliver with the raucous “Pick a Pocket or Two,” and prowls the stage with perfect comic timing, and tongue-twisting skill, while singing a “Reviewing the Situation” that was handsomely accented by orchestra member Jennifer Davis on violin. Nancy (Alex Cochran) is a sweet friend to Fagin and his boys, and Nancy’s pal, Bet (Caroline Davis) joins them all for the joyous delights of “It‘s a Fine Life,” and “I’d Do Anything.” We also meet the kindly Mr. Brownlow (Derrick Manning), who seeks to rescue Oliver from life on the streets.
The fine orchestra was under the able musical direction of Rae Moses. Set designs (Rod Fowler), especially the vibrant street scenes, were as bright and gay as the period costumes (designer, Carolyn Zirelli), and charming dances (choreographer, Elizabeth DeMonico). And there are more scenic delights with a fully rotating house, and a realistic London Bridge in fog (technical director, Matt Freneau - Lighting, Blake Minor). But again and again, it was the fine singing of the enormous ensemble cast that made “Oliver” so irresistible.
Act II highlights included the full-company, “Oom-Pah-Pah,” led by Miss Cochran. With its saucy lyrics, whirling choreography, and infectious melody, this number was a real winner. That fun was tempered a bit by the arrival of Nancy’s ominous boyfriend, Bill Sykes (Trey Westerberg), who scares everyone with the fearsome, “My Name.” One can only wonder what Nancy sees in this guy as she sings the lovely “As Long As He Needs Me.” Another second act treat was the thrilling “Who Will Buy” number that was exquisitely staged and sung to mystical perfection by the ensemble. It is no wonder that the Class Act organization, now well into its second decade, has young graduates working in theater, film, and television all across the nation from New York to Hollywood. It’s a fitting tribute to founder Brumfield and the army of youngsters, parents, and volunteers that continue to propel Class Act to ever-higher levels of success.
"Oliver!" continues this weekend at the Nancy Bock Center for the Performing Arts, located at 3800 S. Panther Creek Drive in The Woodlands, with performances at 7:30 p.m. March 7th and 8th; and at 2:30 p.m. Sunday March 9. Reserved tickets are $18. Phone: (936) 273-3395 On the web:

Friday, March 7, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

the inside of one of the big set pieces for oliver

The Oliver Set

The set for Oliver is enormous, beautiful and incredible. It is also ugly, and difficult. It consists of two, two-story buildings. One building is an exterior and when it turns around it is the inside of a house. The other building is another exterior and when it turns around it is thieves kitchen (Fagin's place). The set also includes London Bridge which is made of two detachable pieces that together are about 30 feet long and 13 feet high. One the front side of them, they look like a bridge. On the back side of one of them it is another exterior for street scenes. The set is very conventional if only the set builder had seen the theater before he drew the plans. The sets just barely fit, and I mean barely, as in they are constantly hitting the legs and are just inches away from hitting the psych (Jeff knows what I am talking about). The backstage at the theater is extremely tiny and there is basically no room. It is going to be a fiasco.

Ok, so not only are the sets enormous, but they were also built construction grade. That means they could actually be real houses. They are extremely heavy and extremely hard to move around. These things could probably withstand a hurricane.

On top of all the physical problems, there are cosmetic issues. On saturday they started painting. The main color of the exteriors is a coral-pinkish color. It is not that bad. But then they put green as the accent color on all the molding and other parts of the set that are not walls. It is hideous. On top of all that they did a bad paint job. The set designer wanted it to look "rustic" so he did a spotty first coat and it leaving it like that. You can still see some of the wood!!!!!!! I was so mad! 1. It looks awful. 2. It should not be rustic, it is London, not suburb of London 60 miles away. Oh yeah London bridge needs to be "rustic too". The thing is supposed to be made out of stone!!!!!! I was so mad I decided I needed to do something about it so I just went around to everyone and created a stir. If they do not finish painting the set I will personally break into the theater late at night and do the whole thing myself.

Anyway, at least we get a real orchestra. only 9 pieces, but thank god it is not that orch-extra synthesized crap we had to use on Les Mis. I miss the days of the 16 piece orchestra during Beauty and the Beast.

I will take pictures of the set tonight and post them so everyone can see the awfulness.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Oliver! Tickets on Sale

Tickets for Oliver! have gone on sale!!

Click here to purchase tickets.

New Camera!

I got a new camera!! I got the Canon PowerShot 850IS. It is really great and has some amazing features I had never seen before such as color accent video, and creative lighting effects where the camera can manipulate light bulbs in photos to look like shaped such as stars, hearts, or music notes. The creative lighting effects are really cool with Christmas lights. For more info about my new camera go here.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Oliver! Rehearsals

Oliver! rehearsals start tonight with a read-through!! I am very excited!!

My New Favorite

I lol'd so hard!!!!